For many of us adoption a cross we must bear alone. The deep pangs of loneliness, emptiness and sorrow even amongst the perfect backdrop of life filled with success and wealth. We can still be alone. Who am I is not a question but rather a reoccurring nightmare that haunts us on a daily basis. No matter where we run. What we do. How we change…it finds us. It reminds us that we do not fit in. We are that odd jig-saw puzzle that was placed in the wrong box. We are misplaced. We do not belong to the world we were forced into and foreign is the world we seek to find. We call it home land but it doesn’t feel like home. They too look at us oddly. We look like they do. But looks are not everything. They know we are different. Different language. Different mannerisms. Different smells. They know we are…different. It’s as though I am wearing a scarlet letter. During our childhood that letter is in the shape of our almond eyes, our yellow complexion, our shiny black hair. We are reminded of the shame of who we are each time we stare at our own reflection. A shame for being different. Like I said. Who am I? Who am I? WHO AM I!

by Jayme Hansen

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